First thing I needed is the latest and greatest "MSFS 2004" to learn about and hone my flying skills (duh!..what's the point in building a simulator without knowing the art of flying!) . Sunday, all my attempts to make my MS SideWinder Pro joystick work on WinXP OS have failed. On Monday (03/08) I went out and purchased MSFS'04 software from local CircuitCity. Installed it next day morning and boy i was in for a shocker. All that they said about how real the sim is true. The whizzing and whirling sound from my 2.4GHz P4 and GeForce4 Mx 440 GPU rending the frames beautifully was music to my ears. Particularly new weather effects - moving clouds and thunderstorms blew my mind. You need to see to believe it. And btw, once after installing the software it recognized the sidewinder joystick with out any issue, before that xp refused to recognize the connected status of the joystick!!
Next thing is ..I ordered a CH Product's Yoke (excellent in many user's opinion) and the .audio 90 headphones from
Well, i went for this yoke based on my earlier assumption of building a Cessna. Later I realized that for truely modeling a Boeing, it may not be useful (Boeing has two inter connected yokes (pilot side and First Officer(FO) side) mounted on columns . Oh! well, my plan is to adopt it to boeing style on the pilot side for sometime and when the time comes, then i can go for something else.
Also, even though it is less than a week, i did a lot of research and my mind is full of plans on how I want go about this project..
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